New Report: Traditional Bias Training Doesn’t Work – Bias Interrupters Do
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We Help Companies Correct and Prevent Bias In The Workplace

Let Us Equip You With Tools To Address Bias

Bias Interrupters is an evidence-based model that provides solutions. It disrupts the constant transmission of bias in basic business systems, which leads to more diverse and better performing workplaces. Bias Interrupters change systems, not people.

Develop Metrics

Develop key metrics to pinpoint where bias exists and assess the effectiveness of your Bias Interrupters.

Implement Bias Interrupters

Choose from our menu of Bias Interrupters. Implement small changes to your existing systems.

Repeat as Needed

Do your key metrics show change? If not, you may need a stronger Bias Interrupter. Use an iterative process until your metrics improve.


Bias Interrupters are tweaks to basic business systems (hiring, performance evaluations, assignments, promotions, compensation etc.) that prevent bias in the workplace, often without ever talking about bias. We offer menus of Bias Interrupters that organizations can implement into their business systems, as well as steps that individuals can take to help level the playing field in their workplace.

Performance Evaluations

Hiring and Recruiting





Family Leave

Remote/Hybrid Work



Our short, simple trainings in partnership with Emtrain are ideal for when you want your workforce to get quick, steady reminders about bias.


Why Corporate Diversity Programs Fail— and How Small Tweaks Can Have a Big Impact

Need Assistance Implementing Bias Interrupters? We Can Help.

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