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Incremental steps that improve diversity in your organization can yield large gains. Diverse work groups perform better and are more committed, innovative, and loyal.

It’s time to go beyond just talking about the problem of workplace bias. Bias Interrupters is an evidence-based model that provides solutions. By taking small steps, Bias Interrupters can yield big changes.

We’ve distilled the huge literature on bias into simple steps that help you and your company perform better.


Having expertise increases men’s influence—but decreases women’s.1 This is just one way subtle biases play out in meetings.

Research also shows that men interrupt women, more than vice versa.2 And across industries, women in our studies consistently report that someone has gotten the credit for an idea they originally posed. In our survey of architects, half of women of color and white women reported having their ideas stolen, compared to less than a third of white men and men of color. Multiracial women reported an even worse experience: almost two-thirds reported that they had an idea stolen.3
If companies don’t prevent bias from playing out in meetings, they may lose the talent and insight they pay for—or even encounter safety risks. We heard from one scientist in a workplace that handled dangerous materials that she was sharply criticized as aggressive when she brought up a flaw in a male colleague’s analysis. After that, she took to “bringing in baked goods and being agreeable” — but at what cost?
In addition, bias within in-person meetings may also translate to and be exacerbated by virtual meetings.4


1) Identify the source of bias.

2) Implement Bias Interrupters in both in-person and virtual meetings, detailed in the drop-down menu below.

Equality Action Center. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


  1. Thomas-Hunt, M. C., & Phillips, K. W. (2004). When what you know is not enough: Expertise and gender dynamics in task groups. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin30(12), 1585-1598.doi: 10.1177/0146167204271186
  2. Cecilia L. Ridgeway and Joseph Berger, “Expectations, Legitimation, and Dominance Behavior in Task Groups,” American Sociological Review (1986): 603–617
  3. Williams, J.C., Korn, R. M. & Maas, R. (2021). “The Elephant in the (Well-Designed) Room: An Investigation into Bias in the Architecture Profession,” The Center for WorkLife Law. UC Hastings College of the Law.
  4. Dhawan, N., Carnes, M., Byars-Winston, A., & Duma, N. (2021). Videoconferencing Etiquette: Promoting Gender Equity During Virtual Meetings. Journal of Women’s Health30(4), 460-465.
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